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alt CS2D 3D player templates

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CS2D 3D Player Templates Version 1.0

Ok for the record these are not meant to be used for immediate game play. They are
only tools for skin makers to make 3D like players and weapons. I have removed 99%
of all the errors and for all intensive purposes these are complete.

"""NOTE""" That these are Right handed player models only !!! I cant make them work
for both left and right handed setting due to the limits of the current CS2D player
GFX format.

Make sure that the right handed player option in the option menu is checked as other
wise the rifle template ive included wont be held correctly.

Oh yea and ive included a sample rifle template of the m4a1 to use as a scaling tool
while making custom 3D weapons. It includes the m4a1, m4a1_d, and m4a1_silenced models but this can be renamed for any of the weapons in the shotguns, SMGs, Rifles, and MG class weapons.

NOTE that I didn't include pistols as the default CS2D pistols work just fine just move them 3-6 pixels to the right and its a perfect fit.

Also these are the same as the models in mu Half Life 2D pack so this will give people a good idea as to what that will look like in the final product

PLEASE NOTE that the 2nd and last image are not included in the pack. They are only examples of what can be done. Again these are only tools and not for game play.
1× editiert, zuletzt 10.08.11 23:33:34
Zugelassen von Seekay

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The errors is to let ppl know that this skin only works when left handed player is selected in teh menu And these are templates for people to use as a resource. Thats why I didn't texture them. People can shade them in any way they like this way and if you are too lazy to do that on your own or simply dont like my work then too bad and piss off.

Btw v2.0 will have more weapon templates added to them as well as some minor bug fixes to the players.= IE the arms are a bit too long and are not proportional so ill be fixing that. Maybe shorten them up a few pixels to see what looks good.

alt @Arxi

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Don't give stupid answers will ya.
Ich mag es!


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user Sparty, sorry, what? I have already made much more than simple white skins with weird "error" message which represents lack of effort.


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@user Sparty: Now remove your 2nd last comment.
Ich mag es!


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now i know thank you
Ich mag es!


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@user Sparty: It's Oxytamine, if you didn't know.
Ich mag es!


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@user oxytamine: just fuck up Lets see you can make something.
Ich mag es!


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again how the fuck am I emo? never really figured out how I got stuck with that label? I mean yea I was a a brutal mod when it came to idiots but still o.0

And holy shit 229 down loads 0__0 when the fuck did that happen 0.0 dam I better release a V2.0 if it became that popular.


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@user oxytamine: I lol'd quite hard. Thank you.


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Very cool, only need a militar skins.
Ich mag es!


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But that's only a shape therefore it's not the final product. It does not reserve any rating. Comments should be disabled, but this emo is so self-affected and he loves receiving likes from bunch of kids who like every single file of his because of he is "dat 1337 boy".


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@user oxytamine: There are a lot of people who just use the basic player shape and reskin it .. this gives them something else to reskin.


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I don't need to get it as these are useless.


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Nothing to rate here. What's that? Five or ten minutes of work.


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good , good , i like
Ich mag es!


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yea that old template has some issue but my new one is closer to the old one minus the bugs. Ill post when ever I get the chance ...


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@user Phenixtri: I think you should call this 'The CSS2D player template' instead of calling them 3D because many people are confused about It's called 3D but it's actually 2D.

By the way On file cs2d CS:S 2D BETA SKINS part 2 , can you release the player template there because it is much better.
Ich mag es!
1× editiert, zuletzt 25.12.11 07:55:27
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