VIP-TurretsCeLiL_CaN User Offline 17.05.10 03:36:31 pm VIP Turrets Created By CeLiL_CaN New turret skins are VIP Mans with weapons... edited 1×, last 18.08.10 11:42:20 am Approved by CY (05.12.15 08:20 am) Download 3 kb, 932 Downloads
Sparty Reviewer Offline 24.04.12 07:57:22 am its weird how the pro skinners like it when @ 10troy: is telling us something..
visahing1 User Offline 23.04.12 11:09:03 pm Very cool,do you know any server what uses Vip turrets? I like it!
Lala Zombie halltons User Offline 23.04.12 06:37:53 pm I can't kill the VIP Joking Excellent I like it!
General Molotov User Offline 12.11.11 11:45:26 am OMFG This is So FUCKING COOL! I LIKE IT BABY!!! I like it!
not epic10troy User Offline 27.09.11 11:10:52 pm SIMPLE EXPLANATION COPY and PASTE but its ok 2 COPY and PASTE COPY and PASTE COPY and PASTE COPY and PASTE COPY and PASTE COPY and PASTE
uckpa User Offline 31.01.11 08:43:07 pm Nice work it's very funny But a lot of VIP's on map type "construction" I like it!
EpicCrisis User Offline 30.01.11 11:44:17 am their like riding a motorbike... nice skin anyway I like it!edited 1×, last 14.03.11 05:13:10 am
Mechanolith User Offline 28.01.11 04:15:35 pm Yeah... i haven't noticed that But i just saw one, it's newer. So this one isn't a copy I like it!
Mechanolith User Offline 28.01.11 03:26:52 pm I've already saw a skin with the same idea somewhere here in U.S. File Archive, btw, i like this, but the trigger thing needs more shading I like it!
Jaso BANNED Offline 28.01.11 01:32:39 pm Hahah very nice. I never tought about this idea.. I like it!