All stuff is accessed by a Lua menu. By default, it can be accessed with [F4] or by saying "!xvote" (This text will be surpressed in the chat). If there is another script running which uses [F4] and shows a menu, the XVote will not appear. The serverinfo hook has a priority of -10.
Map and kick votes from the traditional vote menu and per console (

The voting rules are:

Extract the file into the CS2D directory. Then, add this line to "sys/lua/server.lua":
The server can set some options in the file "sys/lua/xvoteconfig.lua". Currently, the XVote menu key and the map list can be configured. Each option has a long explantation on it.
By default, the maps listed in "sys/mapcycle.cfg" are the maps the players can vote for.
Approved by Starkkz
6 kb, 2,290 Downloads