
Heartless Soldier

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id-ID 10028
Mode User
Registration 07.10.09 12:58 am
Language - not set -
Country AR - Argentina AR - Argentina
Old Names
  • till 28.02.11 N-B-K
  • till 05.11.13 NaSH


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Files by Heartless Soldier (18)

File Com. R Like Dls
old English Lua Scripts Turf war9Approved 412
old English Misc. Volume Script7Approved 427
old English Lua Scripts Advertising System for Dust servers12Approved 444
old English Skins/Sprites The Guy10Approved 428
old English Lua Scripts Paintball 331Approved 1,098
old English Lua Scripts Arbitration Tool10Approved 444
old English Lua Scripts Headshot System63Approved 2,678
old English Skins/Sprites Argentinean bicentenary17Approved 402
old English Lua Scripts PODBots 2.039Approved 1,603
old English Lua Scripts Roll the Dice27Approved 993
old English Skins/Sprites Left 4 Dead Skins22Approved 578
old English Lua Scripts Ball system7Approved 828
old English Misc. Cs2D Free-sized mode35Approved 1,267
old English Lua Scripts Paintball 233Approved 2,003
old English Lua Scripts Old Movement10Approved 595
old English Maps de_dustmas8Approved 565
old English Lua Scripts Explosive Snowballs Imitation10Approved 823
old English Lua Scripts Paintball Mod8Approved 1,073

Total 358 16,661
Ø per file 19.89 925.61


Days registeredyes 5,463 (14 years)
Latest Visit yes 11 Years ago (05.11.13 05:39 pm)
Latest Post yes 11 Years ago (19.05.13 01:10 pm)
Latest online Game yes 11 Years ago (04.11.13 02:21 am)

Forum Posts post 169 (Ø 0.03 per day)
- Replies post 161 (95.27%)
- Threadspost 8 (4.73%)

File Comments comment 94 (Ø 0.02 per day)
- liked files like 61 (Ø 0.01 per day, 64.89%)

Uploads file 18 (Ø 0.00 per day)
- Like like 264
- Ø average per file like 14.67

Messages message 77 (Ø 0.01 per day)
- In-Box: message 49 (Ø 0.01 per day)
- Sent: message 28 (Ø 0.01 per day)