it's an fancy nice road, but you're trying to break it, it's still indestructible!
Waterproofing? Yes it is.. We are including much more can handle.
You can stick anywhere, anytime, & anything.
You know what i need to stop this nonsense

First extract ""
Second put the folder inside the gfx/sprites/ "Just place here you dummy"
Third, have fun!
In Map Editor:
First find an "Road" on a Sprites folder
Second use any kind of road you want
Third go to propertise
Fourth Disable Sprite Cover only
Fifth Test & boom
Why does the Sprite doesn't showed up on my player?
Maybe you didn't turn off the Sprite covers pl.
What if i copy or stealing you're design, are you going to burn my computer?
Of course, if you're trying to.
edited 10×, last 05.02.19 01:42:10 am
Approved by GeoB99
534 kb, 452 Downloads