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English Sniper Pack >

4 comments7 kb, 459 Downloads

old Sniper Pack

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combination of my m21 skin with gillie and gillied sas player
*slaps 14 year old self*
edited 1×, last 19.11.15 09:26:24 am
Approved by GeoB99

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7 kb, 459 Downloads


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The Camo
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Place much more "seeweed" on it because now it looks as if it was in see for 10 years. other then that, nice job.


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im still working on a dog skin but i just realized now if i make the weapons for it like a collar made of steel holding the weapon it will also affect normal people so yea i stopped that idea but thats out of topic

the ghille is nice.. its uhh its ok thats a 2 star and for the m14 ebr idk 2?
I like it!


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Meh, looks too much like seeweed. (Actual Ghille does, but not like this.) Anyways, good to see an actual Ghille skin.
I like it!


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he looks like the Grinch...
Besides that the gun would look better without the gillie
I like it!
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