There are no bugs, its simple but I haven't seen it on any server so I decided to make it.
I have been working on it for around 5 hours I'm still learning Lua thought.
Now you don't need to tell someone the rules, some times forget some part of them, now you can just say !rules your self and all players on the server will see it.
Also there is 'sample advertise' function in it saying:
To see rules of the server, say !rules
Go to Lua folder. Example:
C:\Counter-Strike 2D\sys\lua
then open server.lua and add:
to the end of server.lua file, then copy the rules.lua to Lua folder, after that go to Counter-Strike 2D folder. Example:
C:\Counter-Strike 2D
and place the rules.txt there, then reedit it to show what ever you want when someone says !rules
Do not edit/upload this script and/or claim it is yours!
If you use it in your script(s) give credit.
Thats all, hope you like it.
Approved by Infinite Rain
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