Mod by EngiN33R
Props to Kel9290, Leo, Arty, Wiiplay123
Big thanks to aVoN from Garry's Mod community for making his great Stargate mod which inspired me (and gave me the sounds )
There's a Stargate-themed splash screen - if you like it, use it.
Yet another Stargate mod update is here!
List of new features:
Asgard teleporter!
GDO module!
Slow dialing mode!
List of all features:
3 gate types - Milky Way, Atlantis, Universe
Slow and fast dialing modes
Various devices - Asgard teleporter, ring transporter, iris, GDO
Chevrons that actually light up
In-universe feeling - a lot of realistic sounds and sprites that give you the feeling of being really there
Moddability - you can write your own modules for the mod
When hovering cursor over Stargates/Ring platforms, a rectangle with the address (and - in case of Stargates - name) appears
Low lag - despite many images and quite expensive scripts, players don't lag
Gatespawner files - no need to set Stargates up yourself on your maps, just write the positions in a gatespawner file and it'll do all the job
The To-Do list:
urgent: Video about the mod
merely urgent: More interesting modules
not urgent: Dialing menu for Stargates
How to play the mod:
I accept your ideas for new modules, post them in the mod's forum thread and if I consider them good and useful they'll be made and included in the next update.
Report any bugs you've found - you'll help me a lot.
Rate, comment, subscribe, and most important - have lots of fun!
edited 10×, last 29.06.11 07:00:30 am
Approved by Seekay
1.54 mb, 1,034 Downloads