Great Thanks To The Testers : Cortez, Crash, Slayerwllpku, - _ -Filipino- _ -, BetaNoble, Messy, Aimz, Gabreilz, GmRllkiller, Flood, Kossrifle, and others too. Thanks you guys.
Download Link : http://www.2shared.com/file/JWxSsUyK/Building_Escape_v1.html
Description : With TONS of switches and triggers i present my most trigger filled map, for now, Building Escape_v1
(This is pretty much a team/solo-based deathrun, but only CT are aloud alive) There's been an earthquake at a secret military weapon and testing base, and you're stuck on floor 6. You much escape the cafe, turn on the emergency electricity, and get on the elevator. But what about the 'After-Shock'? Oh shit..
Escape the elevator and make your way to floor 1 by going through different military weapons that have gone out of control and testing rooms that have gone hay-wire to escape the facility and make it outside. This requires some team work, so be sure to work together.
LUA : Thanks to Cortez and Koss for their work on the lua for the map. More information here...
Although the lua doesn't contain all the names of the people who beat the map, it contains only ONE name, there-fore making people put forth MORE effort into trying to be the first one out of the building. Thanks again guys.
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edited 7×, last 08.04.11 06:29:53 am
Approved by GeoB99
18 kb, 449 Downloads