Hello everyone!
The so long awaited Space RPG mod is finally released!
The mod is a complete overhaul of the game, moving the field of action into the vastness of the universe. You have access to various space vessels and armament for them, which will help you prevail on the field of battle. It also features a trading system as a way of gaining funds for upgrades.
This is however not the final version of the mod. This is merely the first release candidate, and there is a lot of things to fix still, and I tell you - they will be fixed. A couple of modules is disabled completely due to their bugginess - enable and use them at your own risk.
Explore! Fly in the big maps and explore the universe!
Fight! Different weapons available for purchase and installment help you to be supreme on the battle field!
Trade! If you're not the violent type - buy commodities for less, sell them for more and make profit!
Interact! An online world guarantees prolonged entertainment and action!
Configure! You can change the script in whatever way you like and add any kind of in-game items easily!
Any questions and suggestions to this mod, be they concerning the gameplay or development (code), can go into the comments to this file or in PM.
For devs:
21st of January, 2012: Update - uploaded the current server revision.
30th of January, 2012: Fix - put in the missing tiles.
Official server:
Thanks, best wishes,
edited 11×, last 24.05.12 08:41:04 am
Approved by Starkkz
1.30 mb, 2,413 Downloads