Stranded II
9 replies I have finally suceeded in making my first animated WITH BONES!!! model... A bird...
Now, how do I get it into b3d format and at the same time, get the codes that will make stranded 2 accept it...
Its currently in an8 format since I used anim8tor to make it... Make it 3ds and use milkshape
because the previous model you sended me worked!!! Milkshape is commercial software.
Is freeware and can convert 3ds to b3d, but I'm not sure if animations are converted as well.
After checking, it doesn't support animation conversion
The only options I could suggest are commercial.
1: Milkshape
2: Ultimate Unwrap 3D
Neither are particularly cheap.
sorry. Well... Will Anim8tor save the animations into 3ds when I used bones, and sequences instead of direct scenes?
As for milkshape... I have it, but whenever I open it up, I'm more confused then a chicken in a grating house... So a small tutorial on how to get the codes would be interesting... just import 3ds and export b3d
easy as pie NO, not as easy as pie...
For one, anim8tor cannot export 3ds animation... at least, I tried exporting it, and it didn't work... Not with bones anyhow... It just exports the objects, not any animation or anything further. Exactly... so an8 is the only file type that can be exported with the animation intact... It seemed to work!
Now I just got to get milkshape to run for me,
(If this does work your name will be in the credits as the one who showed me the program.)