Can any body send me as Winrar datei ? I can't install it becouse I have a admin password and my brother fogot it. Pls send me a link
CS2D Mods Need pain.netNeed
13 replies 1
Can any body send me as Winrar datei ? I can't install it becouse I have a admin password and my brother fogot it. Pls send me a link
2. Install Paint.NET.
3. Done.
Hador has written
download the portable version, just search google for it.
What if he dont have .NET Framework ? It also requires admin pass to install. Cant be portable
Hador has written
he`s f*cked anyway, seeing as hes forgotten the admin password.
Nope. Look my post far above, havent i said about pass resetin' disk image ? there is exist some. Since it he's brother knew it, and forgot, its okay i guess. Just need to burn it, boot from it, press some keys and reboot.
Re: Need
Deleted UserReally go reformat your Computer then install the latest .NET framework then your ready to go
"Most Skinners and Modders and stuff need a large vacant size in Hard Drive" -renzjericho's Mentor
its on zip file
i hope i help you
Infinite Rain has written
Your brother is idiot.
100% he forgot it and is lying about a "brother"