CS2D General Madness Interactive Mod!! (just released!) Madness Interactive Mod!! (just released!)
77 replies I just released the first version of my Madness Interactive mod!! Go check it out at: www.freewebs.com/pcs2d/mods.htm
I would post more info, but it's all on the website!
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Thats not a mod. It have only new Skins & GFXs... It IS a mod, it's just not a FULL CONVERSION. There IS a difference. And I explained that on the website. Hmm, so, TeD could download but not|jUSTiN|?? I'll add more links anyhow.... i ncat find any links to download nice work but needs to have more maps Lol, it's not done. Plus it's supposed to have the same maps as regular so that you can play online, but I'll make some for the next release. Thanks! good mod even with sword not a knife Thanks, I still have to work on the weps though... I'm gonna make them look a lot more like Madness Interactive! I downloaded it now and tried it. It's a good start to a possibly good mod, but as of right now, it is not so good. Keep working, and maybe it'll be much better with later releases! you should upload a whole new cs2d just the backgrounds and stuff.... justin: I am planning on adding the following in future releases: more edited palletes, changed weapons, new levels, and other misc stuff. Is there anything else you would suggest that I add?
skiper: What do you mean? I don't have Blitz Basic, sorry. So I can't change much that isn't modifyable from the folders of the game. BUT: I would love to have someone with Blitz join my dev team and help out! If you would like to then email me at: prestosd at fsvmail.net (fix address). Thanks! you dont need blizat basic for mods i meand you should not upload a whole new cs2d but just the new things you addedt to it get it?! Oh! I see, thanks for the clarification.
Hmm, I'm not sure. I guess I could do that, I'll see if I can make a download of just the modded stuff on the website.....thanks for the advice! presto, the main thing I would change is, like you said, the weapons and weapon sounds. The players look alright, and some of your tilesets are ok, but others need fixing. Another thing is I do not like your pointer (crosshair) very much at all. It just looks bad in the game.
I know its probably difficult to get madness sounds from the flash game, but see how much you can either find on the internet, record, or, if you have a flash editor, extract from the game. All the game sounds need to be changed to make it more of a mod and less of a simple gfx change. Thanks sooooo much for the advice!! I will try very hard to change the weps and sounds!
Also: The cursor was meant to be a madness dudes hand, only I forgot that it was also used ingame. So I'll have to change it to something.... can i join ur dev team i might get blitz i can't wait until the next release Ameer925: You can join my dev team, WHEN you get blitz. And you have to know how to use it too!
xiao: I'm glad someone likes it! Well, I have good news for you...a new minor release has been made!! I just updated lots of little things and some big things. This is just a minor release, nothing big (although the file is 10MB;)). Anyhow, it's definately an improvement over the old one!! So go get it at my website www.freewebs.com/pcs2d !
Also, the next MAJOR release is coming soon, with completely redone sounds and more!!