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English Turret mod - Suggestions

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old Re: Turret mod - Suggestions

Guiliam Thorner
User Off Offline

plasma turret: (sorry my ba english)

the plasma turret can fire energy balls,they can make 7 of damage,the energy balls can make a player cant walk for 2 seconds,the plasma turret can be destroyed very easy.

the turret can like this IMG:,r:1,s:0,i:81&iact=rc&dur=4&sig=115664439991580001654&page=1&tbnh=168&tbnw=300&start=0&ndsp=15&tx=251&ty=41

old Re: Turret mod - Suggestions

User Off Offline

If you want something entertaining (yet useless again), try making a hammer turret. Hammers swing/rotate as they fly and once a hammer hits the player, it knocks him back. With rate of fire adjustable it can make a challenge to get through a turret like that when rate of fire is really high. It would also be great if turret fire would be aimless. In that case it might even be fun to "conquer" such turret (or a set of turrets combined into a tower) with your friends. It won't be fun if turret will just aim at players - that way it would be hard to destroy the turret alone, implying that you can't get close to it since every time hammer hits you, you're knocked back. Although that might be another way of entertaining - but this way our turret won't be different from a vanilla turret with knockback effect added.

old Re: Turret mod - Suggestions

User Off Offline

Turrets? Yes, of course. Possibly. You'll never know. You can make them shoot with cheese and biscuits though.

old Erm.

Reviewer Off Offline

Any preview of your finished turrets?

old Re: Turret mod - Suggestions

User Off Offline

For the last turret I got an idea, kk
> Stun turret (shoots an sound grenade that stop the player for some seconds )
∗ Damage
∗ ∗ Range
∗ Reload
√ Stun
√ Splash

old Re: Turret mod - Suggestions

Deleted User

@user CY:
Sorry, don't have time to post a video, but I could post some screenshots if you wish


Suggestions that are accepted:
SD's Hammer Turret
4Vendetta's Stun Turret


Okay guys, that's will be enough for the turrets.

old Re: Turret mod - Suggestions

User Off Offline

Enough? I have another awesome suggestion.

> Gladiator Turret
• Has a small gun fires ''weak'' bullets. So weak so people will not give a shit about it.
• Has a powerful shield that does a magnetic power to push you when you're not tou-- fuck it, just call it gravity or shit, I don't know, also, shield pushes you back, kills you when you touch it, blocks the bullets.
• Can be used by someone. (Not the turret, to rotate the shield)

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