1 This is all based on adding a attachament shop for the game and let the players customize their own weapons .
2 I now that the USP and the M4A1 already have silencer atachament, but, my idea is to let the players buy them their own, like customizing a Deagle with a red dot sight and a tactical laser, that is waht i mean
3 Some of the atachaments will be not avalible for some weapons like putting a 7X scope on a p228 or a grenade lautcher on a sniper.
Well this is all i have, i could do this by myself, but, i am not very good at coding , so i cannot do it by myself, so
i will ask you guys if someone could help me with this, like
posting some tips on the comments or something , ok, just something.
Well that's it.
(i don't now what the hell is reply)