It's worth a try i guess

Should there be a Matchmaking and Rank system in CS2D?
Only registered users are allowed to vote
yes | 80.30% (53) | |
no | 19.70% (13) |
66 votes cast
It's worth a try i guess
But not all ppls want for it.
I don't know what to say, but I don't think

There already is a server rank. A global rank is too "risky" (has already been suggested and declined) because it would require trusted servers with 24/7 admins who make sure that nobody uses cheats. Can't be realized.
As for the Matchmaking it would be good, however still depend on DC if he want to implement.
In other words, I am not for this especially the Rank System.
edited 1×, last 01.06.15 12:55:12 pm

We should give it a try. Cmon guys don't be so negative... or do you just want to sit here and keep talking about how dead 2d is instead of trying anything?
But yes, the idea is nice and will be realised.
On a scale of 10 to 10, what chance do you think this would happen? My guess is around 10/10.
You gotta face it, games that aren't widely updated die. Even if they are, they get old and die. It's impossible to get the old times back unless someone works full time to develop CS2D into something better than what it already is. It already has a lot and there's not that much more to do for a shooter.
DC is working on another game and I'm sure it's going to be really popular once it's released, bringing a ton of people to it.
CS2D was good. It's in the past, though. You gotta accept it and deal with it.
Geez this thread is already making me mad. There arent such problems in other games with a ranking system because these 12 years old minecraft mod players will get any low rank and anyone else who's behaving normal and trying to win will never meet them.
Or has anyone else got a better idea how to save this game?!
It's just sad whats happening to CS2D but it seems like people dont even want to change anything.

There arent such problems in other games with a ranking system because these 12 years old minecraft mod players will get any low rank and anyone else who's behaving normal and trying to win will never meet them.
Gee I wonder what makes up the majority of CS2D player base. I'll give you a chance to guess.
We all like this game and want it to grow. Just cause I'm nearly the only one sceptical about it's future, doesn't mean "people dont even want to change anything".
I'm just stating what I find true. You're free to argue any of the statements, that's what forum is for. Finding a solution for everything.
Just cause I'm nearly the only one sceptical about it's future, doesn't mean "people dont even want to change anything".
Most people are just talking... but they don't even try to change anything. Well and then they complain that this game is so dead.
(Just look in the PCS shoutbox, lol)

P.s I already global on CSGO. After few vac waves it was easy to reach it.

edited 1×, last 01.06.15 01:44:56 pm
Many complain, few do something.

PCS Project will support Unrealsoftware.

Without anti-cheat in game this idea don't have sense.
I already made a Lua script to stop speedhack and aimbot. Easily configurable for every type of aimbot.
It's not even hard.

Just hide the server using a new port simple.
And about the cheaters just create a report system with a demo attachment (hope dc release soon). If the guy is a real cheater just ban usgn/ip and remove the elo points of the match.
+1 for the idea

Without anti-cheat in game this idea don't have sense.
I already made a Lua script to stop speedhack and aimbot. Easily configurable for every type of aimbot.
It's not even hard.
I think the biggest problem would be esp. We could use the same method as Valve to prevent this. I know a couple guys who know how this works.
Also the ranks should probably be shown here and on every server. I guess this will motivate people to play. Cuz no1 wants a silver icon i guess.

Ain't fun at all.
Matchmaking usually isn't about fun.