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English Ideas & bugs for CS2D website (NOT THE GAME!)

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old Ideas & bugs for CS2D website (NOT THE GAME!)

Reviewer Off Offline

Not that ideas or bugs happen a lot - but it would be best to contain them like everything else. Once a moderator or DC approves this thread the content of this post will change to match the bugs/idea thread (big banner, rules, etc).

By the way, seeing as this doesn't happen a lot - it should be fine to have ideas and bug reports in the same thread.


The cs2d lua hook kill hook states there is a killer id which would be 0 if there is no player that has killed the victim, yet at the bottom there is a notice with the following:

Attention: This hook will only be triggered if the kill was caused by a player (killer)!

I don't have time to test if it does get executed or not upon death of no killer, yet it contradicts itself either way.


The cs2d lua cmd item page is at its current state in my opinion is fine, yet the text:
Moreover there is:
item(0,"table"): returns a Lua table with all dropped item IDs (the unique instance IDs, NOT the type IDs!)

Should either be in a notice or warning to make sure it is clearly noticed. This can easily be missed or can lead to confusion (I missed it, twice, then got confused at first notice).
edited 1×, last 22.07.16 05:13:18 pm

old Re: Ideas & bugs for CS2D website (NOT THE GAME!)

Deleted User

I think it should be noted that during the cs2d lua hook collect and cs2d lua hook drop hooks, the item ID's do not represent the existing items since the items don't exist when the hooks execute. During the drop hook, the player still holds the weapon and during the collect hook the player had already collected it.

old Re: Ideas & bugs for CS2D website (NOT THE GAME!)


user sonkii has written
Maybe finish all the toturials of making map,or add new toturial like usage of light engine (env_light).

Nice, user DC would do it.

Of course, joke aside. It's somewhat pointless, people doesn't care seeing tutorials to making map at all, and making tutorial usage of env_light, that's pointless too, people will sincerely known what is that entity does by looking at entity list. Note that user DC focusing on Stranded 3 development, he can't even fix little bugs, adding new pointless features / tutorials from this thread in Counter Strike 2D official site, unless that bug is annoying or that idea is needy or best idea, yet.

old Re: Ideas & bugs for CS2D website (NOT THE GAME!)

Reviewer Off Offline

All occurences in the documentation of
values which are based on tile positions should be named accordingly to

Pixels ==

Tiles ==

Why? Because mostly everyone uses the exact parameter name used in the documentation. Having the documentation use
will lead to mostly better and readable code without having to look it up every time. Also
player(id, "x")
player(id, "tilex")
- why not keep doing it this way?

Also can we please not have the player ID at the end for no reason?: cs2d lua hook break Also why is it called
instead of everywhere else where it is called
edited 1×, last 12.09.16 01:22:56 pm

old Re: Ideas & bugs for CS2D website (NOT THE GAME!)

Reviewer Off Offline

What ever happened to good old depreciation warnings? We need those. This way we can resolve things like this in an update.

Edit: cs2d lua hook flashlight has a parameter called
, which is fine, yet everything else (ex. cs2d lua hook attack2) uses

Same goes for cs2d lua hook move

Nothing major, but it's inconsistent.

Edit2: cs2d lua hook suicide doesn't state any parameter when I assume it should have the
of a player?

Edit3: Please rename the hook cs2d lua hook break to something else. This breaks (pun) when registering the hook to a table value.
'<name>' expected near 'break'

Woops wrong thread keke
edited 6×, last 12.09.16 07:19:22 pm

old Re: Ideas & bugs for CS2D website (NOT THE GAME!)

User Playing CS2D

idk if this thread still actual:
If you type this code it would not open your spoiler(more)
[more=something for user:1]help[/more]

[more="something for user:1"]help[/more]

[more=something for @user:1]help[/more]

[more="something for user:1"]help[/more]

[more=something for user:1 ok try this]help[/more]

something for user DC ok try this >

or this
[more="something for user:1 ok try this"]help[/more]

something for user DC ok try this >

I hope it's a bug or smth. Or maybe it's not supposed to do such thing

// excume me for posting in wrong thread!
edited 1×, last 07.07.17 07:23:00 am

old Re: Ideas & bugs for CS2D website (NOT THE GAME!)

Admin Off Offline

The CS2D website ( does not have this tag. You are currently talking about the Unreal Software forum so you're in the wrong thread

The right thread would be thread us Unreal Software bugs and errors thread
I remember that this or a comparable issue with the more/spoiler tag has been reported already.

And yes, it is a bug. The problem with this is that there is basically a link (user profile) in a link (more-tag) which causes issues.
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