Changes for the next release which are already done:
Black pixels became transparent on PNG screenshots
Lua images of a player will now be removed when player leaves
Lua hook spawn has been emitted for spectators on roundstart
Lua timers were added twice and had some others bugs
Buildings were covered by entities (palms etc.)
Massive FPS drop when pointing at wall with pathfinding tool
Editor will now never load more than 256 tiles (tile limit)
customkill does not work with dead players/spectators anymore
Bans have been loaded wrong from bans.lst
Mine/Lasermine moved from weapon slot 4 to weapon slot 5
Zombies can now also collect gut bombs (if any on map)
mp_autogamemode is now disabled by default
mp_randomspawn now also works in "Team Deathmatch"-mode
Maximum size for downloads is now 250 kb by default
maxplayers and port are now unchangeable if set as cmdl param
Not existing maps (on local PC) are now darker in serverlist
Player counts full/empty are now darker in serverlist
Large item versions in menu will be scaled depending on size
Free cursor positioning / text editing for text inputs
Right clicking a text input now opens a useful context menu
Console context menu (clear console, copy line, copy all)
Textbox context menu (copy line, copy all)
Minimap preview for existing maps in serverlist
Put [ ] around name/map filter to match identical values only
"Downloaded Files" download history (see Options -> Net)
Command mp_localrconoutput (show output of remote commands?)
-rcon commandline parameter (set rcon pw and make unchangeable)
-nocache commandline parameter (never load cached serverlist)
Lua image mode 3 (cover entities like palms etc.)
Editor: "Export as Image" function to export image of whole map
Editor: Warning when tileset has more than 256 tiles
Editor: Warning/confirmation when you try to overwrite a map
Automatically reloading "bans.lst" when it has been modified
"weaponid" param for Lua cmd "player" (was pointless, always 0)